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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Whole Wheat bread in under an hour

Mix 4 cups of whole wheat flour  with

2 TBS yeast

2 TBS sugar

2 tsp salt

2 Cups of hot water

*additional flour

I use a dough hook on my kitchenaid mixer. Once it's combined pretty well, add additional flour*, a little at a time, until the dough isn't sticky. Depending on humidity and  stuff unknown, it may take as little as an additional cup of flour or 2 additional cups of flour. It will clean the sides of your bowl. IF the dough is still sticking to the sides add a bit more flour.

Depending on how much time I have, I either stop it at this point, or continue to let it kneed for 5 or so minutes in the mixer. Next add some oil to a large bowl and put your dough ball into the bowl.  I like to put it in letting the oil get on the dough good, and then I flip it over.  Cover bowl with a damp hand towel and set your timer for 15 minutes.

Once your timer beeps, poke down your dough and divide your dough in half and shape how you want it.  I like to make two large round loaves with a cross cut in the top OR I make footlong/italian bread shaped loaves. I cook these right on my cookie sheet.  Making round loaves uses two cookie sheets but if I do the long ones, I can fit them side by side (without touching) on my large cookie sheet that's about 18 inches long. So  my footlongs are actually a foot and 1/2 longs.  ;)

Now, put your loaves of dough in a cold oven and turn on to about 400 degrees.  Cook for 20 - 30 minutes depending on your loaf shape.  Pull our your lovely yummy bread and enjoy!


Make it a great one!


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